High quality mate leaves extract

Mate … potent leaves

The mate leaves come from the evergreen yerba mate tree (Aquifoliaceae family), which is found exclusively in South America. Mate tea is the national drink in many parts of South America, and is now due to its natural content in caffeine also very popular in Europe.


Variations of extractExtract detailsFurther information
AEnat® 0581-00
Extraction solvent: ethanol 15 % (m/m)
Dry extract
DER genuine: 4 - 6 : 1
Composition of the extract: citric acid, ascorbic acid
2.0 - 6.0 % caffeine
20.0 - 40.0 % caffeoylquinic acid
0.3 -1.2 % theobromine
≥ 1.0 % triterpene saponins
Natural caffeine
Natural flavouring agent
(e.g. in beverages/functional food)
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