high quality ivy leaf extract

Ivy … leaves with healing properties

Common ivy, Hedera helix L. is a climbing evergreen plant that grows on trees, walls or on the ground. Ivy is native to Western, Central and Southern Europe. Its leaves are polymorphic, coming in various shapes and sizes. The concentration of active ingredients also varies. Most of the approx. 400 known varieties serve a decorative purpose.

The drug for commercial use is extracted from leaves that are gathered in the wild.
Its expectorant properties have been verified in different monographs. Ivy makes it easier to cough up bronchial secretions and accelerates the process. 


Variations of extractExtract detailsFurther information
AEnat® 0541-01P
Extraction solvent: ethanol 30% (m/m)
Dry extract
DER genuine 4 - 8 : 1
10 - 20% hederacoside C
ASMF available
AEnat® 0541-06P
Extraction solvent: ethanol 30% (m/m)
Dry extract
DER genuine 5 - 7.5 : 1
10 - 20% hederacoside C
ASMF available
AEnat® 0541-09
Extraction solvent: ethanol 30% (m/m)
Dry extract
DER genuine 4 - 8 : 1
10 - 20% hederacoside C
Organic Quality
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